memories 2022 (3)

 The weather is behaving very strange. Last friday a lot of snow the first of this wintertime and frost. Tomorrow 15C and a lot of wind. No springweather here in Holland. I go back in my archive of 2022

Always a happy moment to see the first flowers in the roses 15 th of May

Mossrose Blackboy 

Purple Splash/O wow

Sweet Pretty/Astronomia

A Shropshire Lad

Dresdner Barock

Fantin Latour

Pretty Sunrise

Sir Edward Elgar

Madame Isaac Perreire

Dresdner Barock

A Shropshire Lad

Marie Curie


Abraham Darby

Another couple op days closer to the moment that the roses are showing theire beauty.
A fantastic new week ahead.


  1. Good evening dear Marijke,

    Your roses are so beautiful. Fantin Larour do I want to have in my garden. Lovely clematis too.
    Yes, our archives are very nice to have.

    Warm hugs, Marit

    1. Good evening dear Marit,
      Thank you so much can´t wait to see them in bloom again. Fatin Latour is a great one to have once blooming but beautiful. I hope that the Clematis is still a life!
      Have a wonderful evening
      Rosehugs Marijke

  2. Oh so beautiful roses ... it makes me dream from summer.


    1. Good evening dear Anke,
      Ich traume auch von Sommer aber leider ist es am moment ob es Herbst ist. Die erste Sturm of 2023 war heute da. Nicht mein favorite Wetter.
      Wunsche dir ein Schòner Abend
      Hertzlichen grusse Marijke

  3. Bonjour Marijke,
    Thank you for these beautiful memories of your roses. When I see your photos of Astronomia and Black Boy they make me want to have them in our garden. The Abraham Darby rose is sumptuous!
    Did you try to make cuttings of those roses ?
    Every autumn or so, I make rose cuttings. This way I always have roses ready to be transplanted or I leave them in pots. I have done cuttings of old french rose "Honorine de Brabant", english rose Sharifa Asma, dutch yellow rose Maria Hofker - a rose dedicated to Maria who had a famous garden "The enchanted garden" . Maybe you know her ?(I have given many cuttings of this rose around me).
    In september I tried a cutting of Papa Meilland (a sumptuous and very fragrant red french rose). I do not know yet if it is a success.
    Here, in the Paris region, we have rotten weather: storm and rain.
    Have a good day !

    Translated with (free version)

    1. Good evening dear Helene,
      No I never made cuttings of my roses. The flowers of Abraham Darby are beautiful but it´s a hard one to make a bit of nice shrub.The weather here was also very bad today. Also storm but the sun was shining!!!
      Have a wonderful evening and thank you for your comment.

  4. These wonderful blooms are an appropriate reminder of what is soon to come. Just be patient, Marijke.

    1. Good evening dear David,
      The weather in Holland looks more like Autumn. Heavy winds today. But I know that my time will come and I have to be a bit patient.
      Have a wonderful evening
      Rosehugs Marijke

  5. Hi Marijke!
    I enjoy looking at your beautiful roses. Purple splash is really a wow.
    Have a nice week /Hugs Marika

    1. Good evening dear Marika,
      Purple Splash is a beauty. It´s amazing to see that not one flower is a look a like of the other ones.
      Have a wonderful evening
      Rosehugs Marijke

  6. t is a pure pleasure to see these roses again, while the gardens are still asleep. I particularly admire Blackboy and Abraham Darby. I lost the latter, after 25 years anyway!, and I'm thinking of acquiring a new plant. Good day!

  7. Désolée de lire que le printemps ne se manifeste pas encore chez toi. Mais qu'importe, il finira bien par arriver. En attendant, revoir des roses est un pur moment de bonheur qui nous permet de patienter avant l'épanouissement des nôtres.
    Bon dimanche


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