Abraham Darby 2019

Breeder David Austin,  United Kingdom 1985

Deze roos wordt binnenkort door Austin van de markt gehaald. Omdat
er betere, op deze roos lijkende nieuwe rozen zijn. Dus zuinig op zijn
als ze nog in je tuin groeit. Deze roos groeit naast mijn voordeur. Als ik
de voordeur open komt de heerlijke geur mij meteen tegemoet. Ik heb
haar niet zonder bloemen gezien dit rozenseizoen

Austin anouced that this rose (and other old Austinroses) will be off the market soon
because there are better look a likes on the market these days. So if you have
this one in the garden take extra care because soon it will be a collectors item. The rose has
it's place next to my frontdoor. When I open the door the lovely, strong
fragrance is coming in. Brought flowers the whole roseseason.

First bud with color 18th of April

22nd September

Have a wonderful weekend

Rosehugs Marijke


  1. Good morning dear Marijke,

    This is a lovely rose with a very pretty color. I had it once, but it didn't like the winter over here. Beautiful photos!
    I wish you a wonderful weekend.
    Rosehugs, Marit

    1. Good morning dear Marit,
      I shink it's beautiful too!! No roseflower is so huge as this one. And also the very strong
      scent it brings is wonderful. I lost this rose in during the very cold winter 2012/2013.
      A new one came in and untill now it's doing great.
      Have a wonderful weekend ahead!!
      Rosehugs Marijke

    2. Good morning dear Marijke
      I love that rose too, the fragrance is delicious, but it has never been very healthy in my garden, but I have two and I will keep both of them.
      Have a nice day/weekend
      Rosehugs Lisbeth

    3. Good morning dear Lisbeth,
      I think this rose has the strongest fragrance of all the roses I have. But not the healthy's tho.
      You are right about this. It's one of the first with sick leaves. But the flowers are lovely.
      Have a wonderful weekend ahead.
      Rosehugs Marijke

  2. Prachtige foto's van deze mooie roos Marijke.
    Groetjes Tinie

    1. Goedemorgen Tinie,
      Heerlijk om te zien dat je nog steeds op de blog bent.
      Ik ben laat maar ik wens je heel veel mooie fotomomenten voor 2020.
      Heerlijke dag gewenst.


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