Munstead Wood

Breeder: David Austin, England 2007

Misschien is het vreemd om blogs te schrijven over de tuin terwijl
de hele wereld in paniek is over het Coronavirus. Ook hier in mijn
dorp is een familie geïnfecteerd. We kunnen alleen maar hopen dat
we allemaal gezond dit voorjaar doorkomen. En we krijgen een 
lesje hoe belangrijk onze gezondheid is in plaats van ons druk te 
maken over geld.

Maybe it's strange to write blogs about the garden in a time that the
whole world is in panic about the Coronavirus. Also in my village a
family is infected with it. Nothing we can do about it and let's hope
we all can say after this virus is gone that we are healthy and we made it.
An important lesson can be learned how important health is and wealth is not.

De bloemen van deze roos zijn prachtig mooi maar het is niet gemakkelijk
om de juist kleur op de foto te krijgen. In mijn tuintje heeft het 3 jaar 
geduurd voordat ze een beetje ging groeien. En sommige bloggers adviseren
om minstens 3 van deze rozen samen te planten om een beetje een struikje
te krijgen.

The flowers of this rose are so beautiful but it's not easy to get the 
colour of the flower on the photo. In my little garden it took 3 years
untill it started to grow a bit. Some bloggers give the advise to plant
3 of this roses together to get a bit of a shrub.

Wish you a good healthy new week

Rosehugs Marijke


  1. Hello dear Marijke
    Nice pictures of Munstead Wood I like that colour too, I have two but they are not growing quick.
    You are right about Coronavirus but we have to go on with our life and hope that nothing will happen to us.
    Beautyful flowers are a way to think of something else and not worry. Keep on the good spirit.
    I hope we will all stay healthy.
    Rosehugs Lisbeth

    1. Good afternoon dear Lisbeth,
      I hope that this rose will grow a bit this year. And you are so right. We have to go on with our
      life and don't think to much about bad things that can happen. We all don't know what will
      happen every day. So we have to enjoy what every single day brings.Stay safe!!
      Rosehugs Marijke

  2. Good morning dear Marijke,
    We are all scared about this Corona virus here too, and I hope it will pass soon.

    Munstead Wood is so beautiful! I love it very much, and have ordered 3 pcs. this spring. I moved two last summer, but I'm not sure if they lives after this very wet winter.

    I wish you a wonderful day!

    Rosehugs, Marit

    1. Good afternoon dear Marit,
      Fear does'nt help eventhough we are scared too!! The terrible thing is to see how people are acting
      now. People are affraid even when it's normal to have a cold and has to sneeze at this time of the year.
      We should not drive eatchother creazy!! I hope things will be history very soon.
      I hope you will find out that yours are still alive later in the year. And sometimes you have to be
      patient with the roses. It happened in my garden that only late in june the new roses were showing
      that they were alive.
      Have a wonderful rest of the day and stay safe!!
      Rosehugs Marijke

  3. Deze donkerrode roos is van een grote schoonheid!
    Hopelijk loopt het hier niet uit de hand met dat vervelende virus, Marijke.
    Hartelijke groeten van Zem.

    1. Hallo lieve Zem,
      Dat hoop ik ook maar we moeten ons zeker niet gek laten maken!!! De drukte maar
      niet opzoeken en hopen dat het virus onze deur voorbij gaat, al klinkt dat nogal egoïstisch.
      Wie weet hoe snel de situatie veranderd als het weer wat beter wordt!!
      Pas goed op je zelf en een veilige, gezonde week gewenst.
      Bloemige groetjes Marijke

  4. Hello Marijke, the world has gone crazy with this Coronavirus. It's going to be bad also in Romania because, unfortunately we have a lot of Romanians in Italy and they are stupid enough to come home right now. Even though Romania closed the bolder and everybody that comes form Italy must go into quarantine for 2 weeks, the Romanians right now want to come to Romania and they lie and they say that they come from another country and not Italy. Stupid and selfish they will infect their loved ones and they don't care. It's now that we see the true face of humans, no different from animals. I am very upset right now with them.
    About this rose, I had it too and I gave it away. Is not that I didn't like it, just that I didn't like it too much. It was ok but it didn't bloom as much as other Austins. I will make a post and show it to you.
    Stay safe, stay healthy and for that you must stay home!

    1. Good morning dear Adriana,
      I think that the people coming back from Italy are also on the run for the virus. This people are affraid to
      and in theire fear they don't think about what they can do to other people. Let's hope the virus will be history soon!!!! This rose does'nt bring many flowers in my garden. I hope you will post photo's of the one you've had. Stay safe and healthy too!!
      Rosehugs Marijke

  5. Your 'Munstead Wood' is so very beautiful! Your photos of it are excellent. I have this rose as well. It is not a strong ir fast grower, but the flowers are perfection.

    Best wishes to you, dear lady.

    1. Good morning dear Hoover Boo,
      As a person with a rosevirus and a very small garden, I have to admit that I sometimes plant roses on
      a place in the garden that does'nt make it easy for the rose to show it's beauty. But every single flower
      it brings makes me very happy.
      Have a wonderful day and stay safe!!!
      Rosehugs Marijke


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