Deuil de Paul Fontaine 2019

Breeder Francois Fontaine, 1873 France

Soms is het gevaarlijk als je een rozenvriend hebt die een collectie rozen heeft
waar je nog nooit van gehoord hebt. (fun) Zo liet hij op FB foto's van deze
roos zien en ik was verkocht. Op 11 april 2018 werd ze geplant in mijn
tuintje. Een zeer langzame groeier in mijn tuintje. 

Sometimes it's dangerous to have a rosefriend who has a special
collection of roses in his garden, posted photo's on FB of this rose
and I fell in love with the rose. (fun) At 11th of April this rose was planted in my
garden. A very slow grower in my garden.

11th April 2018

I was afraid that it did'nt survive the following winter.
Great for me was to see at the 8th of March 2019 that it did,

First bud of 2019 April 28th

8th of May

15th of May

22nd of May

24th of May

25th of May

The second flower at 29 of May

4th of May

Some followers are maby thinking what are you doing. But to me
it's wonderful to see what a certain rose did in 1 year. 

I wish you a wonderful Sunday. 

Rosehugs Marijke


  1. Good morning dear Marijke,

    Very beautiful color! I like very much this color. I guess that you too buy roses who is not so hardy. I try many different roses, but many of them die here.
    Have a wonderful day!
    Rosehugs, Marit

    1. Hello dear Marijke
      I think the ide is good one rose for a blogpost keep it going. I love it.
      Rosehugs Lisbeth

  2. It is a very beautiful rose, Marijke!
    I love the deep colour!
    Wish you a lovely evening,

    Rosehugs, Ida

    1. Good morning dear Marit,
      I know how it feels when things you like are not a success in your own garden. There are people
      who thinking that having roses only in the garden is borring. But they are the only shrubs that
      are doing well in my soil. I think I can write 100 post about what went wrong with plants I've bought. I think over the years
      I've tried 40 species of geraniums (only 2 are doing well, the rest did not). Even the Echinacea's are
      dying. Delphiniums are my favorites but after planting in 2 days they were eaten by the snails. After spending a lot of money I gave up to buy this other plants. The only thing I know about the roses in wintertime
      is that it's important that the inoculation part of the rose is on 5 cm below the gardensoillevel. In Germany people bring up a layer new gardensoil of 10 cm high around the rose before winter starts. In winter 2012 all the canes of rose Buff Beauty were frozen back to soillevel. I thought it dyed. I bought a new one. But at the
      end of June new growth of the old rose were rising out of the ground. But before I buy roses now I first
      look in the database of Help me Find . I loved the roses with the red blushes in theire hearts. But they have genen of a dessertrose. I was told that this roses only can be grown in a huge container and should be brought in to a greenhouse during wintertime. I do not have a greenhouse but had 3 of these kinds of roses and the 3 roses died in wintertime.
      Have a wonderful day and enjoy what your garden is bringing you today.
      Rosehugs Marijke

    2. Good morning dear Lisbeth,
      Thank you so much for your kind words. I can't tell you how wonderful it feels starting blogging again.
      I am looking forward to see your new blogposts.
      Have a wonderful day
      Rosehugs Marijke

    3. Good morning dear Ida,
      It's great to see that your still on the Blog. Much better than FB and Instagram. No photo
      can show how wonderful the color of this flowers are. But it's good to have something to
      look back on during short and dark winterdays.
      Have a wonderful day and keep on posting.
      Rosehugs Marijke


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