A little rosegarden at the end of April

Ja wat is het weer veranderd. We hebben kunnen genieten van een paar
heerlijke zomerse dagen maar het weer is weer compleet omgeslagen.
Mijn klimroos That's Jazz is naar beneden gekomen door de harde wind
en felle regenbuien. Maar dat gaat weer goedkomen.

Yes the weather has changed. We had a couple of lovely summer days
but the weather is different now. The strong wind and heavy rain ripped of 
my climbingrose That's Jazz

Vieuw out of my little frontgarden.

First rosebud with a little bit of collor of rose James Galway partytime to me

I should have pruned the rose Compassion 

Abraham Darby not an easy one to get in good shape (fun)

 It was great to get a chance to write something about my little
rosegarden in the beautiful magazine of the Dutch Rose Society

The treepeonie will open her beautiful 20 cm flowers soon.


The first color brought by the Aquilegia

 Rose Dresdner Barock with many, many buds

Also buds in Mme Isaac Perreire is still young

Can't wait to see her in bloom rose Fantin Latour

 The beautiful braun/red new foliage of rose A Shropshire Lad

Rose Leander

Can't wait to see my garden like this again. Just have to be patient

Have a wonderful weekend

Rosehugs Marijke


  1. Marijke, I'm sorry about the damage on your climber rose, I hope weather gets friendlier to you garden soon. I see it is planted very densely, it must be a rose jungle at its blooming peak! You know I adore Roses and your passion for them resonates with mine. Lately the climate here is very rainy and hot, a terrible combination for Roses and on top of that it's leaf cutter ants season, these ants are a nightmare for any rose lover here, they can completely strip a rose bush of its leaves in one night and they have a special taste for Roses, I'm glad you don't have to deal with them in Europe. Have a wonderful weekend full of Roses!

    1. Good morning MDN
      The weather will be better in the weekend. At the moment it's cold. During the night from
      sunday on monday we had so much heavy rain an amount came down that's normaly falling in the whole month. With the strong stormy winds it's looking more like autumn.
      It's terrible that terrible that the insects are distroing your roses! We don't have them overhere. But we have foliage with fungi when the summers are cold and wet. Never mind think about the beautiful flowers the roses bring.
      Have a wonderful day
      Rosehugs Marijke

  2. Hello Marijke
    Nice to see your garden and the fine foliage on your roses. You are much longer in your garden, I can see that you have a small garden, but never mind I am sure you love it just as much as I love mine.
    I am looking foreward to see your threepeony.
    Have a nice evening
    Rosehugs Lisbeth

    1. Good morning dear Lisbeth,
      More and more I do understand how not patient I am at this moment. I want to see the
      roses in bloom!! (fun). When I look at your beautiful blog I see that there are a lot of plants that gives the garden color at a moment that the roses are not in bloom. But having a small
      garden I have to make choices. The roses do grow out a lot but that's because the temperatures in a small garden are rising earlier when we have a bit of sunshine. Yes I wish I did have a much larger garden but I am satisfied and happy what my garden is bringing me.
      Have a wonderful day.
      Rosehugs Marijke

  3. We have been experiencing weather whiplash too but it is not winter that making an untimely return but summer! I hope your roses recover quickly. I have relatively few roses (because they need more water than I can give them) but a few, most notably my climbing 'Joseph's Coat', have offered blooms. I am very envious of your tree peony! That is a genus I have had very little success with in Southern California. Enjoy your weekend, Marijke!

    1. Good morning dear Kris,
      The weather is terrible at the moment. It looks more like Autumn. But better weather
      is on it's way in the weekend!!! Joseps Coat is a beautiful one. I think that the roses with
      the red bloches will do fantastic in your climate. An example is Allisar Princess of Phoenicia They don't do well in my garden because
      they have gene's of the dessertrose. The treepeony is a fantastic one to have I hope the strong winds that we have won't break down it.
      Have a wonderful day
      Rosehugs Marijke

  4. Congratulations on having the article about your own rose garden in the Dutch Rose Society magazine. That is a wonderful achievement

    1. Thank you so much Rosemary. I never thought that I could wright something. But it
      was so nice to do soo.
      Have a wonderful day.
      Rosehugs Marijke

  5. Dat komt daar weer helemaal goed dit jaar. Wat leuk dat je in dat boekje staat!

    1. Ik weet wel zeker dat alles goed gaat komen Natuurlijk=Rijk. En ook bij jou zal de bloemenpracht weer losbarsten.
      Fijn weekend.
      Rozige groetjes Marijke

  6. Hello dear Marijke, lovely to see your garden again!
    Congrats with the article of your garden, and your first rosebud.
    It is a beautiful time to look forward to.
    Love your clematis,

    Hugs, Ida

  7. Good morning dear Marijke,

    It'so lovely to see your garden! So much greenery already. Congratulation about the article of your garden! Nice to see the first rosebuds :)
    I wish you a wonderful day!
    Rosehugs, Marit

  8. Ja het mooie weer laat nog op zich wachten, al was het een weekje heerlijk ;-))
    Jammer dat je roos omwaaide, maar zoal je al schreef : het komt weer goed.
    Mooie foto's Marijke.
    Fijne zondag, groetjes Tinie

  9. Leuk dat je een stukje voor de rozenvereniging hebt geschreven. Een beetje nattigheid konden de rozen nu wel hebben, dus een beetje regen is welkom. Je tuin ziet er fris en groen uit, de rozen zien er veelbelovend uit. Dat gaat wat worden.
    Groet, Janneke

  10. A very, very big congratulations on your article being published, Marijke. It is truly well-deserved! We had a little bit (very little bit) of spring, but now it's snowing again. However, it sounds like there will be a drastic change on Tuesday, and maybe spring will finally be here.

    Have a wonderful week ahead, my friend!

  11. Je hebt werkelijk een groene rozenweelde om je heen, en dat op een vrij klein oppervlak. Geweldig.
    Wat leuk, dat je in het Rozenbulletin mocht staan! Een echte opsteker.
    Het is nu herfstweer haast, maar aan het einde van de week wordt het gelukkig weer beter.
    Hartelijke groeten van Zem.

  12. Nog even en dan zitten we weer op rozen Marijke! Jouw tuin verhaal in het rozen bulletin! Goed zeg. De boompioen die je laat zien staat bij mij precies zo. Misschien morgen ...

  13. We have to be patience, you're right Marijke. Your garden with rose buds looks pretty one. I also like your tree peonies, nice color!
    My roses mainly survived this winter and new leaves are growing.
    Happy May Day!


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