My little garden at the 12th of June

Er zijn van die momenten in de tuin die je zo graag het hele jaar zou willen
vasthouden. En dat was deze dag in juni. De tuin stond volop in bloei. Zoveel
mooie bloemen maar het is ook een jaar waarop het blad van de rozen flink
werd aangevallen door allerlei soorten schimmels, veroorzaakt door het rare
weer. De hitte van 41C is gelukkig niet meer teruggekeerd en er valt de
hele week al lekker malse regen. De natuur haalt opgelucht adem en ook de
tuin staat er weer heerlijk groen bij.

There are moments in the garden I wish I could keep the whole year
round. En that was this day in June. So many beautiful roseflowers at that moment.
A wonderful roseseason but not for the folliage of the roses. I've never had
so much fungi on the leaves as I had this year, caused by the strange, hot and
dry weather we've had. The heat of 41C is gone and I hope it will never
come back. Last week we've had a lovely amount of rain. It's wonderful
to see that nature is breathing again. So is my little garden.

A new rose Bathsheba grown in a container

The color of the roseflowers in rose Leander were so much ligther as usual

Edenrose a great one to have. Helas no scent

Every rose is special to me but this gallicarose Merveille created by
the Finish rosebreeder Pirjo Rautio. A specialist in breeding new
gallicaroses. It's sad to read that she passed away in august 2018. This rose
suprised me. I thougth the flowers would not come out. She was covered
with a huge amount of lice and had mildew. I stoped spraying the garden
8 years ago. It was amazing to see how nature can take care of it's own.
In two weeks time the lice were gone, eaten by the larvae's of the hooverfly.
A little bit of rain and the mildew was gone.

I only have seen 1 flower of the beautiful rose A Shropshire Lad
because we went on a 2 weeks holiday to Zakynthos, Greece

Penny Lane

Azubis/Indigoletta. Wonderful scented

Marie Curie

Gallicarose Versicolor

Madame Plantier

Een heerlijke weekend allemaal

Have a wonderful weekend ahead

Rosehugs Marijke


  1. Hello dear Marijke,

    Your little garden looks so beautiful in June! It don't look little at all :)
    The roses are all very pretty. The Shropshire Lad is so fantastic! I wish I had it here.
    Have a wonderful weekend!
    Rosehugs, Marit

    1. Good morning dear Marit,
      My garden is small!! It's the way of photographing I think (lol). The rosesflowers were
      so beautiful to see!! And now here and there one flower apears of the re-blooming roses.
      It makes me so happy!!
      Have a wonderful week ahead!
      Rosehugs Marijke

  2. Hello dear Marijke
    I specially enjoyed the first picture, lovely with all your roses flowering.
    The rose Bathsheba is very nice looking, and your Marie Curie is mutch bigger than mine, whitch is planted last year.
    Have a nice evening
    Rosehugs Lisbeth

    1. Good morning dear Lisbeth,
      It was a fantastic moment to see all the flowers in the frontgarden. How different the vieuw
      is now . The second flush of flowers is starting now . The flowers are not so pretty because
      of the huge amount of rain that is coming down at the moment. But the rain was needed so desparate. Bathsheba is a climbing one. I am looking forward to see how it will be doing in the future. Marie Curie is for 6 years in my garden. I don't prune it much in spring and it made a wonderful shrub. And the scent is so sweet!!
      Have a lovely week ahead.
      Rosehugs Marijke

  3. It is encouraging that your garden is able to look so beautiful after the debilitating heat you have experienced in Europe this year. And kudos to you for no longer spraying your garden with chemical poisons.

    1. Good morning dear David,
      To tell you the truth the creazy temperatures we did have scared me! I hope it was once, and never coming back again. The garden was so quiet. The birds were hiding in the forest. But we've had a lot of rain last week. Nature can breath again and it is fantastic that the birds came back into the garden. It's fantastic to see that no chemicals are nescessary to keep the garden in good shape. I stoped 8 years ago spraying and it feels so good!!
      Have a wonderful sunday and a great week ahead.

  4. Marijke, this summer was as a challenge to roses, you're right. here my roses had rust on the leaves. Yours are beautiful. Especially I love Merveille, it's unusual, the color is pretty. Did you spraying your roses this summer?

    1. Good afternoon dear Nadezda,
      I stoped spraying my roses 8 years ago. It caused me every year a lot of work and it did not help. I pinched off every leaf that did not look good. Cleaned up the soil from droped off leaves of the roses. If this was facebook I could show you a photo how bad certain roses look in my garden. Some don't have a single leaf left, on other roses the leafs are black. I think it has everything to do with the strange we are having last year and this year. I hope that next year things will be better.
      Have a wonderful day
      Rosehugs Marijke

    2. I forgot to type the word weather.
      Have a wonderful day!!
      Rosehugs Marijke

  5. Goed dat je zo ongeveer het mooiste moment van het jaar hebt vastgelegd!
    De droogte heeft overal wat schade aangericht en je kunt nu goed zien dat de zomer over het hoogtepunt heen raakt. Gelukkig is hier ook wel wat regen gevallen maar niet heel veel.
    Toch denk ik dat je nog veel rozenmoois in je tuin kan vastleggen!
    Hartelijke groeten, Zem.

    1. Ook hier is schade van de hitte Zem. De Hydrangea Aspera had weer veel verbrand blad. Ik kon gieten wat ik wilde maar het was de hete lucht die het blad deed verschroeien. Maar de regen van de afgelopen week heeft de tuin heel goed gedaan. Inmiddels laten de rozen die nog een tweede bloei geven weer hier en daar hun pracht zien.
      Heerlijke nieuwe week gewenst.
      Rozige groetjes Marijke

    2. Hello Marijke,
      Tes rosiers sont vraiment opulents ! et je vois que comme moi tu plantes très serré, on est parfois contente en mars de tailler tout cela pour redonner forme. Nos jardins ont par contre été dans la tourmente durant l'été, nous ne sommes pas préparé (et la nature non plus) à ces températures caniculaires.
      La pluie est revenue la semaine dernière, en grande quantité, ce qui est merveilleux pour tout le monde.
      Bisous et dis donc, on arrive déjà en septembre ! bientôt le retour des foires aux plantes (j'ai plus de place mais je trouverai bien quelque chose à changer) toi aussi ?

    3. Good morning dear Siam,
      Sorry for the late answer. In the past I've got an email when a comment was posted but I don't get it anymore. Yes my roses are tight planted. I love to see them growing like a bouquet, ore read jungle. I prune as less as possible. But now it's time to change the way of pruning. When I am looking at my photo's from the years before, I almost forgot that certain other roses are overgrown by others. Before ordening new one's in autumn I am first going to find another place in the garden for those roses that were overgrown. I always forget when a new baby rose arrives how tall they are going to be a few years later (fun). Yes we have to accept that the climate is changing and I don't want to run around with cans of water every evening and having roses only makes gardening a lot easyier because they do well in the heath.
      Have a wonderful rest of the week
      Rosehugs Marijke


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