Spring arrived


Het is bijna niet te geloven. De eerste 2 foto´s zijn precies 1 week geleden gemaakt. Toen nog een dik pak sneeuw en -12C. En vandaag echt lenteweer met 17C+. Hoe heerlijk was het om in mijn tuintje aan de slag te gaan. Een start gemaakt met het snoeien van de rozen en een hoop onkruid weggehaald. En nu rode wangen van het buiten zijn de hele dag. Daar wordt je toch helemaal blij van.

I hardly can believe what the weather did in 1 week time. The first 2 photo's were made at February the 13. At that time still a lot of snow and temperatures of -12C. And today +17C. It was wonderful to be outside the whole day long. I made a start with the rosepruning and cleaned a lot of the weeds. And now red cheeks. 

Today. Start of springtime. The cold did not seem to damage the bulbs and plants.



Narcissus is on it's way

I am happy to see that my Clematis was'nt damaged by the cold

Camassia is growing fast now

Scilla. At Tuesday nothing to see but today it is here.

The buds of the white Camelia were frozen and are all brown.

Flowers on it's way in Narcissus Tete a Tete

It's fantastic to smell the air of springtime and the birds were happy to. I loved to hear them sing.

Have a wonderful springtime

Rosehugs Marijke


  1. Beautiful garden images, my favourite is the Fieldfare, standing alone.

    1. Good morning Bob,
      The Fieldfare is a bird we only see in the garden at cold winters.
      Have a wonderful weekend.

  2. Good evening dear Marijke,
    I'm green of envy :)
    You are so lucky who have spring already. Your hellehorus looks great. It's so sad that your camellia have turn brown.
    Have a nice weekend.
    Rosehugs, Marit

    1. Good morning dear Marit,
      How different the weather was a week ago. A thick coat, gloves, and a cap were needed to go out. And yesterday
      without a coat in the garden. A big part of the Helleborus was damaged. Not by the cold but by my dog. The layer of snow was so thick that my dog forgot where the path was. Never mind enough left of the Helleborusflowers to enjoy. I think I have to wait untill next year to enjoy the flowers of the Camelia. I hope spring will arrive in your garden soon. I notice now how quick things can change in the garden when temperatures are rising.
      Have a wonderful sunday and a great new week ahead.
      Rosehugs Marijke

  3. Hello dear Marijke
    I am sorry about your camellia, very sad to see. But you are happy to see and feel the spring. I have prooned a lot of grass to day and also some of my perennials. It is still not warm here so we have to get warm clothes on.
    Rosehugs Lisbeth

    1. Good morning dear Lisbeth,
      The Camelia is sad to see. I still hope that some hidden buds will still bring flowers. Next year another chance to see them. It´s great to be outside without a coat now. I have a lot of work to get ride of the Pulmonaria it seeded out like crazy last year. It´s also growing in the roses now. It´s good for the body to work in the garden. I can feel the muscles now that were not used in wintertime. (fun).
      I hope springtemperatures will arrive soon in your garden too!!
      Have a wonderful sunday and a great new week ahead.
      Rosehugs Marijke

  4. Het verschil met vorige week is niet te geloven.
    Ik ben ook haast niet uit de tuin te slaan, al was het alleen al om te speuren naar mijn bolletjes.
    En ik zal mijn witte Camelia gaan inspecteren op vorstschade.
    Hartelijke groeten van Zem.

    1. Goedemiddag lieve Zem,
      Het is echt net of het allemaal niet waar is. Vandaag lekker rommelen in de tuin en dat zonder jas. Vorige week lag er nog een bult sneeuw. Ik begrijp helemaal wat je voelt als je in je tuin loopt. Soms sta ik zo te staren naar iets wat ik zie verschijnen dat mijn man zijn lachen niet kan verbergen. De Camelia schijnt zeer goed bestand te zijn tegen vorst. De mijne heb ik 20 jaar geleden verkeerd geplant. Ze staat overdag op een zeer luw warme plek en ja dan is het temperatuur verschil veel te groot tussen dag en nacht als het 's nachts zo koud wordt. Maar maakt niet uit volgend jaar weer beter. Geniet lekker van wat er in je tuin gebeurt en lekker snel even laten zien op je blog wat je ontdekt hebt.
      Alvast een heerlijke nieuwe week gewenst.
      Lieve groetjes Marijke

  5. That's a wonderful transformation, Marijke, and very welcome I am sure. We will have to wait a while yet for spring to appear here, but it is on the way. That we know!

    1. Hello David,
      A wonderful weather suprise came over Holland. Today 19C+ in my little garden. Fantastic weather to be outside with in the back ground the sound of the birdchoir singing as loud as they can. What else would I want to have?
      Have a wonderful new week ahead and hope for you that spring will arrive soon.

  6. Wow - you really fed the birds a glorious dinner - "lek-kur" as the people from Den Haag taught me to say ... :-)
    Je bent aan het werken in jouw tuin - ik heb gisteren begon de grote balkon op te ruimen - ook echt werk! Was heel moe daarna.
    Fijne foto's van de beginnen lente, dankjewel Marijke!

  7. Good evening dear Britta,
    Yes I give the birds good food in winter. The birds help me the rest of the gardenseason to get ride of insects I don't want to have to many of. So you were bussy cleaning your balcony. Also a wonderful thing to have and also it can by a wonderful place to breath in the wonderful springair and summerflowers maybe.
    Have a wonderful new week ahead.
    Rosehugs Marijke


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