The end of May

De tijd gaat snel. We kunnen terug kijken op een prachtige maand
mei. Gisteren de laatste hete dag gelukkig 31C hier. Meestal eindigt 
een hitteperiode hier met zware onweersbuien maar niets van dit alles
gelukkig. Een beetje regen zou welkom zijn.

Time passes fast. We can look back at a wonderful month of may.
Yesterday we had the last hot day 31C. Normaly this heatperiods end up
with heavy thunderstorms, but it did end up very quiet. 

In my garden at the back of the house

Rose Burgundy Ice

 Rose Leander

Rose Blauwestad

Clematis Warzawska Nike

Rose A Shropshire Lad

Rose That's Jazz

Rose Purple Splash/Oh Wow

Geranium Psilostemon Bressingham Flair

Rose Sweet Pretty/Astronomia


Rose Sir Edward Elgar.

Rose Fantin Latour

New this year in my garden Rose Madame Isaac Perreire

Having coffee with my best friend Vito

Does not doing well this year Rose Isabel Renaissance

Rose Ambridgerose is not the easyest to grow

On advise of a rosefriend I bented the rose Edenrose out and it

Rose Merveille. I should have pruned it.

Rose Buff Beauty

In the frontgarden

Madame Plantier

Rose Sourir d'Orchidee

Rose Marie Curie

Rose Jude the Obscure

New in my garden this year Rose Louise Odier

 Also new in my garden Eugene de Beauharnais

 Time to give the Peony som support. Most of the time the heavy flowers
are ending up at the soil before they even opened.

Rose Crown Princess Margarethe

 Rose The Pilgrim

 Rose Ispahan also new

Also new Rose De Rescht

Rose Just Joey

Have a wonderful day

Rosehugs Marijke


  1. Gorgeous ! So many beautiful roses . I can't choose the one I like better. I like them all, Marijke :) Rosehugs, my friend !

    1. Goodmorning dear Dani,
      I can't make a choise neather. They are all special to me on theire own way.
      Pfffft temperatures are gorgeous at the moment. It droped to 22C that's the perfect
      temperature for a Dutch (fun(.
      Have a wonderful day my friend.
      Rosehugs Marijke

  2. Dear Marijke,

    Stunning photos of your lovely roses! They thrive very well in your garden. Clematis and roses are so pretty!

    I wish you a wonderful day without 31 degrees ;)

    Rosehugs, Marit

    1. Good morning dear Marit,
      Thank you for your lovely comment. The roses are doing perfect at the moment. I don't do much with facebook but sometimes you meet a person with a lot of knowledge about how the grow roses on it best. He teached me lessons that I never found in a book. And every lesson with photo's how to do it. And what I learned is
      to stop weeding. Only taking things out that weeds overgrow the roses or other plants. And it worked out so fantastic. And yes I am so happy that the temperatures have droped to 22C. I can breath again (lol).
      Have a wonderful day Marit
      Rosehugs Marijke

  3. So beautiful! You have a love assistant as well. Happy week, Marijke!

    1. Goodmorning Satu,
      I have a real gardenassistant, just like you have. He is always by my side.
      Have a wonderful Day
      Rosehugs Marijke

  4. Hello Marijke,

    end of may and june are the 2 best months for roses. Gardens smell !!!!!
    Burgundy Ice is a very beautifull rose with his special color.
    Here also the weather is better today, yesterday we had 33°C, too hot for me....
    A special kiss to Vito.
    Have a very good week Marijke.

    1. Good morning Siam,
      I agree with you this are the best month's to enjoy the roses. I love beautiful weather too!! but the temperatures we are having now of 23C is much better than the 30C we had. I gave my doggy a kiss from him. He is so adorable but also very naughty (lol).
      Have a wonderful week Siam
      Rosehugs Marijke.

  5. Wat zijn de rozen al ver! Het is hier niet anders. Genieten . Groetjes Hetty

    1. Goedemorgen Hetty,
      Ja het is allemaal wel heel snel gegaan met de rozen door de warmte. En nog steeds geen druppel regen hier geweest!! Ik geniet iedere dag volop.
      Een heerlijke dag gewenst en veel plezier in je prachtige tuin gewenst.

  6. Je hebt werkelijk een paradijsje gecreƫerd, Marijke.
    Prachtige rozen, en wat is die Clematis Warzawska Nike een schoonheid!
    We kunnen, nu de temperatuur flink is gedaald, weer wat noodzakelijke klusjes doen in de tuin. En dat is, ook hier, beslist geen straf!
    Hartelijke groet, Zem.

    1. Goedemorgen Zem,
      Weet je dat ik zo geniet dat ik helemaal niet de behoefte voel om ergens anders heen te gaan. En inderdaad we kunnen weer adem halen en bewegen. Heerlijk deze temperaturen. Zo mag het van mij de hele zomer blijven.
      Heerlijke dag gewenst.
      Hartelijke groetjes

  7. Hi Marijke, what a dreamgarden you have, I am totaly in love!
    I love roses too, and you have many sorts I did not know of before.
    Thank you for this wonderful post,


    1. Good morning Ida,
      It's so nice you visited my blog and left a comment. I am a person who's adicted to
      roses. I re-visited your blog and it's a very beautiful one.
      Have a wonderful day.
      Rosehugs Marijke

  8. How nice. You are really a roselady :) Wish you a great week form Norway.
    Mette i

    1. Good morning Mette,
      I am a roselady yess!! I only have a small garden so you have to make choices, you can't have it all. But I am sattisfied with what I have.
      Have a wonderful day.
      Rosehugs Marijke

  9. Dear Marijke,
    lovely to see more of your beautiful roses! I also have Rose Ispahan and Rose Louise Odier in my garden. Planted them both in summer last year. Seems like we both like old roses. Some years ago, when I didn´t know much about roses I bought all these modern varieties offered in garden centres. Only later, when I became a rose lover , did research on roses and went to rosariums, I came across old roses. Nowadays, I really prefer old roses to modern varieties even if many of them only bloom ones. I think their flowers are so beautiful and the smell-just wow!
    Have a wonderful day, Marijke!
    Best wishes,

    1. Dear Lisa,
      The first two roses you mentioned are also young in my garden, planted in autumn last year. I prefer the historical roses too!! No funghi on the leaves, what is different at the modern ones. Many of this modern ones ended up at only one cane. And what you sayed the scent of the historical ones is breathtaking.
      Have a wonderful day Lisa.

  10. Hello Marijike,:) Your garden is indeed a little paradise full of beautiful roses, and a peaceful setting in which to relax , and enjoy all their beauty, and I'm sure the insects love it too. Nice shot of the damselfly. After seeing one photo, I have been reminded to trim some shrubs overhanging a wooden bench in my garden!!! :=)

    1. Good morning Sonjia,
      I love to see the damselfly coming out of the pond without color. It takes some time before the color red, or blue apear. My little garden is a peacefull place for me. The bee's, the birds the flowers it's all I need to feel fantastic.
      Have a wonderful day.
      Rosehugs Marijke

  11. I am trying to choose a favorite here, and it is so hard to do so, Marijke, but I am quite sure that Marie Curie is my favorite. Beautiful sunset colors!
    Have a wonderful weekend, sweet friend.

    1. Good morning dear Lisa,
      It's hard to choose a favorite rose because every rose has it's own kind of beauty. Mary Curie is a fantastic healthy one.
      Have a wonderful day Lisa xxx
      Rosehugs marijke


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