The garden last wednesday

Wat gaat de tijd snel. Gisteren mocht ik mijn 62ste verjaardag vieren.
Ik ben heerlijk verwend en het huis staat vol met bloemen. Ook kreeg
ik een paar handschoenen die ik kan gebruiken bij het rozen snoeien.
En vandaag is het Valentijnsdag. Wij doen er niet aan. Leuk voor
de jonge mensen.

Time fly's. Yesterday I celebrated my 62nd birthday. The house
is full of flowers now. I also got gloves that can be used during
rosepruning. Today it's Valentine's day. A wonderful day for
the young people.

2 beautiful flowers in Abraham Darby. 


Pat Austin

The first Crocusflowers are showing color

I have to lift the flower of the Helleborus because they are hanging

A lot of seedlings brought by the Helleborus

Also a seedling. I marked it so I can dig it out and plant it somewhere else

These last two were bought in 2019. It made new foliage but
no flowers to see now

The first flower of the Camelia opened. Two weeks earlier as it did
the year before

Narcis Tete a Tete is on the way.

Have a wonderful weekend ahead.

Rosehugs Marijke


  1. Good morning dear Marijke
    and gratulations with your birthday. Nice gifts and nice roses to flower now that early.
    You have wonderful helleborus too. New ones will often jump over the flowering the first year or two, but then it will come I think.
    Have a nice calm day before the storm
    Rosehugs Lisbeth

    1. Good morning dear Lisbeth,
      Thank you so much for the birthday wishes. The gloves were very welcome. I hope the new Helleborus will
      show up with flowers next year! And yes another day with storm and rain again today. One day the sun will
      turn back, I hope!
      Have a wonderful day
      Rosehugs Marijke

  2. Good morning dear Marijke,

    Congratulations with your birthday! You are only two years older than me :)
    Lovely helleborus in your garden. I like them very much. Nice to see your camellua too. You are lucky who can have them in your garden. I must have them in my basement.
    I wish you a nice weekend!
    Rosehugs, Marit

    1. Good morning dear Marit,
      Thank you so much for the birthday wishes. The good days of Life start at the age of 60 is it not?
      The Helleborus is doing very good in my garden. How different it is for many other plants. It's a pitty
      that you can't grow the Camelia outside in the garden. The flowers are so beautiful. But it's great you
      still have a chance to enjoy the flowers of it.
      Have a wonderful sunday
      Rosehugs Marijke

  3. Dear Marijke! Happy belated birthday! I wish you good health at work in your beautiful garden. This is not an easy job, but it satisfies us gardeners. I see that many of your flowers are blooming, I can imagine the smell that you have at home.

    1. Good morning dear Nadezda,
      Thank you so much for your birthday wishes. My garden is a small one and I always had the dream
      to have a larger one. But with my age now I am very happy with what I have. The work in the garden
      that has to be done is not a heavy job. And like you said gardening helps to keep the body in good shape.
      It's great and so welcome that the garden is bringing flowers. A start of the new flowerseason.
      Have a wonderful sunday.
      Rosehugs Marijke

  4. Allereerst nog van harte gefeliciteerd met je verjaardag!
    En wat is het al écht voorjaar in je tuin. De mooie Helleborussen, die het helaas hier niet doen, de grond is te zuur.
    De eerste Camelia-bloem nota bene: hier nog slechts knoppen.
    Maar je woont natuurlijk wat westelijker in het land, en dat scheelt.
    Je hebt in vorige posts je prachtige rozen uitgebreid beschreven. Een heel archief heb je nu online staan.
    Je hebt werkelijk schitterende exemplaren in je rozentuin: wat een weelde.
    Hartelijke groeten van Zem.

    1. Goedemorgen Zem,
      Heerlijk dat het voorjaar zich aandient!!! Jammer dat de Helleborussen niet willen in jouw tuin.
      Ik ben er echt weg van. Maar ook in mijn tuintje doen vele planten het niet. Ik ben weg van de lupines en riddersporen maar ik ben maar gestopt met het kopen van deze planten want ze willen niet. Ik denk dat
      ik wel 20 verschillende geraniumsoorten heb gekocht maar er zijn er maar 2 die het wel doen. De rest is
      weg. Maar de rozen doen het uitstekend op de polderklei. Dus geniet ik daar heel erg van.
      Een heerlijke zondag gewenst en op naar het voorjaar!!!
      Hartelijke groetjes Marijke

  5. It's like your garden never sleeps, not even in the winter! Love the Helleboruses and they are so many and so early in the spring!

    1. Good afternoon Adriana,
      The garden woke up very early because we did not have any winterweather. And Abraham Darby and Pat Austin had flowers. They are pruned now so it will take a while before they will be in bloom again.
      Have a wonderful sunday
      Rosehugs Marijke


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