
De boodschap is voor ons allemaal om thuis te blijven. Maar wetende
dat de bollenvelden hier in bloei beginnen te komen maakt het niet
gemakkelijk om dit advies op te volgen. Dan moet je een moment kiezen
waarvan je verwacht dat er niet veel mensen bij die velden aanwezig zijn.
Het was zaterdagavond na het avondeten toen mijn schoondochter zei
kom op we gaan heen. De tulpen sliepen al en de zon was al aardig gezakt.
Niet de ideale lichtomstandigheden om te fotograferen. Maar het was
adembenemend mooi.

The message for all of us to stay home is not always easy, knowing that
the tulipfields are coming into bloom. At saturday evening after dinner
my daughter in low said, come on lets go. And moment we've chose seem
to be a perfect one. Nobody else was there only the two of us. The tulips
were already a sleep and the sun was already low. Not the ideal situation
to photograph but the vieuws were breathtaking beautiful.

I was amazed to see how dry the soil already is

Very early sundaymorning 

Not all tulips are in color yet

Time to get into the car before the water hits me (fun).

Have a wonderful day

Rosehugs Marijke, stay safe!!!


  1. Good morning dear Marijke
    I am glad you and your daughter in law took this tour. Amazing pictures you got, it is really exiting to see all those fields with tulips. Thank you for showing us this.
    Have a nice and safe day
    Rosehugs Lisbeth

    1. C'est vrai que ton pays est celui de la Tulipe. C'est beau de voir ces champs avec des tons identiques sur tant de m². Le sol est sec, ici aussi et la pluie annoncée ne viendra pas dans mon jardin, je le crains.
      Je dois déjà arroser quelques plantes et ce n'est pas normal en cette période de l'année.
      Portez vous bien et prenez soin de vous car le confinement se fait plus durement sentir à présent et ce n'est pas prêt de se terminer. J'espère que Pâques a été festif tout de même, à deux ou plus c'est déjà un peu oublier la solitude.

    2. Good morning dear Lisbeth,
      No photo can show how impresive and huge this tulipfields are. Always a great moment
      in springtime.
      Have a wonderful day
      Rosehugs Marijke

    3. Good morning dear Siam,
      The vieuw is really breathtaking. Later that day it was very crowded. A lot of people need
      to breath in the colors of the flowers. We've had a relaxed easter but I hope it will be a "normal"
      easter next year.
      Stay safe and take care
      Rosehugs Marijke

  2. Yood morning dear Marijke,
    The tulipfields are so beautiful! It's amazing to see how big they are. It's very dry here too.
    Have a wonderful day!
    Rosehugs, Marit

    1. Good morning dear Marit,
      It's a great thing to see. And no photo can show how large the fields are.
      It's still very dry here too! We need rain desperate! I wonder sometimes where all
      the water has gone that came down in January and February (fun).
      Have a wonderful day
      Rosehugs Marijke

  3. I'm sorry. Good was it ment to be written! :)

  4. Tulpenvelden zijn geweldig en mooi. In april zou ik op reis gaan en rond de Keukenhof lopen. Er kwam natuurlijk niets van terecht. Verdriet. Met vriendelijke groeten.

    1. Good morning dear Giga,
      That's a long time ago!! I hope you are doing fine!!! Yes the Keukenhof does'nt have any visitors
      this year. It's a pitty that it's not possible to visit it.
      Stay safe, in a good health!!!

  5. Prachtig, die kleuren...
    Hartelijke groeten van Zem.

    1. Goedemorgen Zem,
      Het was heerlijk om even de kleur van de tulpenvelden in te ademen.
      Een heerlijke nieuwe dag gewenst!! Zorg goed voor jullie zelf!!
      Hartelijke groetjes Marijke

  6. I saw some tulip fields when we were visiting Keukenhof but they were out of bloom, almost all of them. We went on 15th of May I think. A little bit too late.
    The photo conditions were not great but the photos look stunning. It's hard to make a tulip field look badly.
    I agree with your daughter, they must be seen...the tulip fields!

    1. Good morning dear Adriana,
      It's a pitty that the tulips were out of bloom when you visited the Keukenhof. Everything depents
      on what kind of wintertime we've had. Last two years we can't speak about having cold in winter.
      Lets hope things will be better next year. De Keukenhof has 'nt be open this year because of the lock down.
      Have a wonderful day
      Rosehugs Marijke

  7. Good morning,
    I loved to do so!!
    Have a wonderful day


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