It´s all about roses

 Ik loop nog steeds een eind op achter met mijn foto's. En wat hebben we dit weekend geluk gehad  dat het voorspelde noodweer niet hier is gekomen. Hoe anders was dat op sommige andere plekken in ons land. Waar bomen als luciferhoutjes werden afgeknapt door de enorme stormwinden. Het is gelukkig weer voorbij. Vandaag een dag met veel regen hier. Goed voor de tuin en de natuur.

We were lucky not to have the heavy weather that was forecasted for last weekend. But how different the situation was in other parts of Holland where tree's were knocked down by the heavy stormwinds that came with the thunderstorms and rainwater came into the houses. But the situation is normaly now. Today a lot of rain forecasted good for the garden and nature.

How the garden looked at 7th of June

Sourire d'Orchidee get's more pretty by the day

More flowers in James Galway

I love the colors that this little corner in my garden is showing me


Abraham Darby was beautiful this year

Many people are passing by my frontgarden. And with some a conversation is taking place. "The roses are looking beautiful" but I had to do something about the weeds between me and my neighbour. (are no weeds but a couple of month's ago I seeded wildflowers for the butterfly's FUN). 

Queen of Sweden

Duchesse de Montebello a fast growing rose

Purple Splash's first flowers

A Shropshire Lad

Have a wonderful day

Rosehugs Marijke


  1. Good morning dear Marijke,

    Your roses are so beautiful! You have so many of them in your garden. The scent of them must be fantastic!
    Have a wonderful week ahead.
    Rosehugs, Marit

  2. La saison des roses est merveilleuse mais un peu trop de chaleur toutefois. La pluie a t'elle fait son retour chez toi car ici en Belgique depuis hier nous en avons souvent et abondamment, il parait que cela va durer quatre jours, tant mieux il ne faudra pas arroser. Par contre il faudra nettoyer les rosiers ensuite.
    De toute façon ton jardin est toujours agréable à visiter, tu as de belles roses anciennes.

  3. Your roses are very beautiful, Marijke. It is not hard to understand why people remark on them as they pass by. They are perhaps all a little envious!

  4. Het is gewoon geluk hebben als het weer van de afgelopen dagen geen schade heeft aangericht.
    Gelukkig viel het hier ook alleszins mee en hebben we zelfs, met vandaag mee, een kleine 30 mm regen gekregen. Daar was de tuin wel weer aan toe.
    Hartelijke groeten, Zem.

  5. Hello dear Marijke
    I love to see all your roses, my Montebello has just started to day.
    It was a bad weather they had in other parts of Holland, I am glad you have got some rain, I did too, that was nice.
    Have a nice evening.
    Rosehugs Lisbeth

  6. I'm glad the situation with thunderstorm is better now, Marijke. Your roses are pretty as always , my favorite is Queen of Sweden.

  7. Liebe Marijke,
    traumhaft schön sind deine Rosen. Zum Glück habt ihr kein Unwetter gehabt.
    Und deine Rosen haben nichts abbekommen. Wir hatten hier auch Glück.
    Ganz viele Grüße von Urte

  8. I am thinking about you each time I view the news from northwestern Europe, when you can and if you are able, please let us know how you are.
    Hugs, all kinds, mostly safe and dry

  9. Hello, dear Marijke, wonderful to see your roses again.
    Hope you are doing fine in the heat.

    Rosehugs, Ida


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