Happy moments can be found close by

Geluksmomentjes zijn dichterbij dan je denkt. Iedere dag is er wel weer 1.
Machtig mooi om in december te zien is dat de Eksters dan al op zoek gaan naar een nieuwe partner voor het aankomende broedseizoen. De Ekster is een zeer intelligente vogel. Ik heb een pindakaaspot hangen in mijn tuin. De ingang naar de pot is eigenlijk veel te klein voor deze vogel om bij dat
lekkers te komen. Inmiddels heeft de vogel uitgevonden hoe de hele pot uit de houder te krijgen. De pot valt op de grond en de Ekster kan toch gaan snoepen.

Happy moments are close by. Every day there is at least 1. It's beautiful to see
that the Magpies are coming together in December to find a new partner for the next breadingseason.
The Maypie is a very intelligent. I have a peanutjar hanging in my garden. The entrance is to
small for the bird to get to the peanutbutter. In short time the bird found out that whiping out the pot was the way to get to the snack. The jar falls on the ground and he can eat.

The huge amount of housesparrows are wonderful to have in the garden

                                                           Also the Wood Pigeon is every day in my garden


Yesterday the weather was very bad. Wild winds caused by the storm were over Holland. Great weather to look back in the photoarchive of last year. Next photo's are made in September

                                                                   Blackberry Nipp


 Buff Beauty

                                                                   Sweet Pretty/Astronomia

                                                                 Baron de Bonstetten

                                                               Blue For You


                                                                             Madame Isaac Pereire




                                                                       Don't forget to enjoy the little things

                                                                                            Rosehugs Marijke


  1. Good morning dear Marijke,

    Beautiful photos! We had also terrible weather yesterday with 60 mm of heavy rain. Today we have got some snow. The Magpie is a pretty bird. It's a pity that so many dislike it. Your roses are always pretty.
    Have a wonderful day!
    Rosehugs, Marit

    1. Good morning dear Marit,
      The Magpie is also here a bird that is disliked by many people. Because they steel egg's out of other birds nests I think. And also young birds are on the menu of the young Magpies. Yesterday the weather was beautiful. A lot of sunshine and the silence after the storm was so welcome too!!
      I wish you a beautiful day.
      Rosehugs Marijke

  2. Hello! Hello! Coincidences galore. It's raining here right now as I write, thunder and lightning, too. I had to get up to listen. When the children were small we all got up together to watch and listen to keep them from being afraid. I have used "archived" photos in my last post as well. "Archived" is a good word. For me, living in a dry climate, a rain storm is a real pleasure.

    1. Good morning dear Jane,
      Thunder is a thing I don't like at all. But I can imagine how welcome these thunderstorms are when you are having a dry climate. We did have to much rain the last couple of month's. I wish we could share the rain with you and could blow some your way.
      Enjoy your day
      Rosehugs Marijke

  3. Hello dear Marijke
    What to do if we don´t have the birds and our archive to look at :) Nice to see your roses. My Blackberry Nip did very well this year, we are looking forward to see all the roses again.
    Rosehugs Lisbeth

    1. Good morning dear Lisbeth,
      Birds in the garden are so welcome! They bring joy to me every day. Yes it's great to have an archive the colors of the flowers of last year giving me a very happy feeling. Blackberry Nipp is a great rose to have in the garden. I love the shape and color of the flowers. I am looking forward to see the roses in bloom again.
      Have a wonderful day and keep posting!!!
      Rosehugs Marijke

  4. What a joy to have the wonderful Magpies and House Sparrows come to visit. It would certainly make my day.

    1. It is great to have these birds in the garden. A lot of people here don't like them because of the size of the birds I think.
      Have a wonderful day

  5. Gezellig foto's, Marijke.
    Inderdaad, van de kleine dingen moeten we het hebben.
    Wat de eksters betreft, ik dacht dat deze vogels meest levenslang een vaste partner hadden, op een enkele vreemdganger na. Hoe zit dat bij jouw groepje eksters ;-)
    Het zijn wel slimmerds, dat blijkt...
    Hartelijke groeten, Zem.

    1. Goedemorgen Zem,
      Wat zat ik fout met die eksters (lol). Eerst maar eens lezen voordat ik wat op het internet plaats (lol).
      Heerlijk weekend gewenst.
      Hartelijke groetjes Marijke

  6. Hi Marijke
    Flowers are unique, and the birds, they are excellent, thanks.

    1. Good morning dear Bob,
      It's wonderful to have so many birds in the garden. Always something to hear and to see.
      Have a great weekend ahead.

  7. Hello Marijke, I wish you a happy new year!

    1. Happy New Year dear Inger!!
      I hope you are going to post again about your beautiful garden.
      Rosehugs Marijke

  8. Thank you for sharing these wonderful photos, what beautiful birds and what spectacular roses.
    Happy New Year, full of everything good, especially health.

    1. Good morning dear Maria,
      Thank you so much for your kind words. Have a wonderful and healthy 2021.
      Rosehugs Marijke


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