The garden wakes up

De feestdagen zijn al weer paar weken voorbij. Alles kerstversiering staat
weer in de garage maar er is wel een ding waar ik nog geen afscheid van
kan nemen. Gekocht in de werkplaats van onze gehandicapte medemens.

The christmasholidays are all ready gone and the decoration is in the
garage for another year. But one thing has to stay on my piano. I bough it in
november in a daycare workingplace for disabled people.

Wat ik ook kocht was deze taart voor vogels. De eerste 4 dagen waren de vogels
doodsbang en kwamen niet op de voedertafel. Maar inmiddels wordt er
stevig van gesnoept.

I also bought this birdcake there. The first 4 days the birds were scared of
it. But now they love it.

The birds bring the garden alive

Blackbird in Malus Red Sentinel

A group of 40 sparrow's are visiting the foodplace every day

When you feed the birds you also getting birds that have the sparrows on it's menu

My garden is 21 years old now but I can't remember having
flowers in certain roses in January

Winchester Cathedral 

Pat Austin 

The second flower opened yesterday

Abraham Darby the flower opens every day a little futher

The white Treeponie. 

At this moment it's hard te believe it will show it's beautiful
flowers in a couple of month's

And te pink one also makes a start

in May

I have a lot of these beauty's in my garden but forgot it's name

Flowerstart apears in Pulmonaria

Helleborus Foetidus

 I did find the white Helleborus back in the garden

Every single  petal of this Helleborus  looks like a plant painted in aquarel

And I end up this post with a flower in rose Sebastian Kneipp

A job that has to be done today is taking the old leaves off of the Helleborus.

Have a wonderful day

Rose and flowerhugs Marijke


  1. Hello dear Marijke
    Nice to see that you and your garden wake up. I can see that you have a lot of things to tell us, it is nice.
    The grass you show us is called sort slangegræs in danish and in latin OPHIOPOGON PLANISCARPUS 'NIGER
    Nice to see all your roses, it is fun that they flower in the winter, but of course it is not so much winter. To day it is cold here the temperatur is ok but it is very windy here. I am making soup for tonight :)
    Rosehugs Lisbeth

    1. Good evening dear Lisbeth
      It s wonderful that you recognized the name of the plant. I wrote it down. Yes it is to early for the roses to be in bloom. David austin told that january is the month to prune the roses. I always thought we had to wait untill March. Yes when I started blogging again a lot is coming to my mind to write about. I am a little bit sad that so many blogs have stoped. But I think there are also others who will come back. And if not it s also oke. It s great to share the things we love so much.and you made soup tonight I love it.
      Have a wonderful evening dear friend.
      Rosehugs Marijke


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