Burgundy Ice


Het internet is een plek voor mij waar veel mooie dingen zijn te zien. Maar dat het social media gebeuren  heeft ook een schaduwzijde. Er zijn nog al wat verdwaalde zielen die het prettig vinden om rare opmerkingen te plaatsen Ook hier op mijn blog. Dus heb ik maar weer de optie goedkeuring  op dit blog aangezet. Ik ben een tijd gestopt met bloggen omdat mijn facebook was gehackt. 

The internet and social media are a great thing to see. But it's also a place where you have to find out that there are a lot of lost souls on the internet spending theire time by posting strange and not welcome comments. I stoped blogging for a long time after finding out that my facebook was hacked. The commentcontrole is on again.

Rose of today is Burgundy Ice. I love it because of the beautiful color and the special color of the stamens, not a healthy one in my garden when it's up to the green of this rose

Have a wonderful day




  1. Good morning dear Marijke,
    I am sorry for the hacking. Yes, there are many strange people out there.

    It is a lovely rose, and I had it for many years. It died last summer, but I think I will try it one more time.
    Have a wonderful day!
    Rosehugs, Marit

    1. Good morning dear Marit,
      It's so sad that facebook has only one thing in mind and that's making money. It must be easy to protect us users by making it imposible to copie someone's profile photo. A good friend of mine was a victom of internetfraude. The photo of her son was copied, they found out her telephonenumer, copied the photo to what's app and sending her messages that her son needed money. You will understand what happened. Never mind we go on to share the things we love so much! Have a wonderful day!!
      Rosehugs Marijke

  2. Hello dear Marijke
    Burgundy Ice is disappointing but it has a beautiful color I have it as a climbing rose,
    It is big and the flowers are fine.
    It is not always easy with facebook, I do understand that you stopped blogging, nice
    to see you on facebook, I can see that you enjoy my photoes.
    Rosehugs Lisbeth

    1. Helle dear Lisbeth it was not your fould (fun). I put the commentmoderator on. So you don't see your comment untill I give oke to show the comment. To avoid strange and not welcome comments. After the first flush the folliage is not looking very healthy and dropof of the leaves is following. Yes I enjoy your photo's.
      Have a wonderful day!!
      Rosehugs Marijke

  3. Hello dear Marijke
    My comment disappeared. Burgundy Ice is not very healthy but I like the color. I have it as a climber. I will show you on facebook. Sorry that you have been hacked, I hope it is not happening again. I like to show you my photoes in my group. And I can see that you like them.
    Rosehugs Lisbeth

  4. Hi Marijke!
    This rose will go to my wishlist. The colour is beautiful. You wrote that it is not a healthy one. It looks gorgeous.
    Have a nice day /Marika

    1. Good afternoon dear Maribel,
      The flowers of it are beautiful but after the first flush of flowers the foliage get's very bad because of the funghi on it brought by the weather. And follows with dropping of the leaves. But the flowers are beautiful.
      Have a wonderful day
      Rosehugs Marijke

  5. There are people who have nothing better to do with their time it seems than to create mischief on the internet.

    1. So true!!! Even when you post a revieuw of your favorite there are lost souls that are giving the most bizar comments on it. More crazy people in the world as we think.
      Have a wonderful day


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