Up to springtime


Het is heerlijk om zo vroeg in het jaar de kleuren van de Helleborusbloemen te zien. Nu maar hopen op een paar zonnige dagen. 

It's great to have the Helleboruses in the garden, bringing a lot of color early in the year

Also welcome is the color in the Camelia who's having a lot of buds.

Narcis Tette a Tette 

The first flower of the African Waterlilly in the pond is early this year sending flowers

At this time of the year our gardencentre is full of bulbs in pots of course I bought 2

I love the little Iris. They never come back in my garden maybe I plant them to deep?

I hope the weather get's better. Two storms are forcasted here. I hope they will be the last ones of 2022.and don't bring any damage. It's not my favorite type of weather. But nothing we can do about the weather.

Have a wonderful day

Rosehugs Marijke


  1. Good morning dear Marijke
    Helleborus is a lovely flower it is nice to have them in the garden. I am also fund of Camellia I have also a lot of buds in mine, but it is too early with the flowering. After some years the iris dessapears, but I have some yet.
    Also storm here and a lot of rain, we want quiet weather now, but I don´t think they will hear us :)
    Lovely day to you
    Rosehugs Lisbeth

    1. Good morning dear Lisbeth,
      The Helleborus is a fantastic one to have. The pink Camelia has flowers but the white one is still in bud. I´ve tried the Iris many times because I love it. But not a succes in my garden but the one in pot from the gardencentre makes me also happy!! I want quiet weather also. Enough storms. I wish I had the telephonenumber of the weather (but I don't fun).
      Have a lovely day
      Rosehugs Marijke

  2. Quel beau camélia dans ton jardin, le feuillage est magnifique.
    Ici il pleut aussi beaucoup, la clôture en noisetier installée voilà dix ans a rendu l'âme hier, elle tenait encore grâce au jasmin jaune, j'ai du tout enlever, fini le jasmin qui prend trop la lumière fempêchant le grimpant "Frau Eva Schubert" de donner le meilleur de lui-même. En tout cas sur 10 ans le prix des clôtures a triplé ! j'en reviens pas.
    Le vent est aussi annoncé chez nous pour la fin de semaine, un peu ras le bol de ce temps humide et venteux, même la terre est verte tu te rends compte ?
    Bises. Siam

    1. Good morning dear Siam,
      The Camelia had also many buds the year before but everything got brown by the sudden frost. Not a thing we have to be afraid of to get now. Not nice that you have to replace your fence. The price of wood did increase like creazy also in Holland. I hope that the 2 badweather forcasted days will be the last ones. We want a bit of springweather is it not?
      Have a wonderful day
      Rosehugs Marijke

  3. Hallo Marijke!
    It is wonderful to see so many colourful flowers this early. Your camelia looks great, it will be lovely with all the flowers in bloom.
    Have a nice day /Marika

    1. Good morning dear Marika,
      The color of the flowers in the garden makes me feel happy. But a couple of weeks to go and we can all enjoy the beauty that the garden brings!!
      Have a wonderful day
      Rosehugs Marijke

  4. Good morning dear Marijke,
    I love to see your beautiful helleborus. The colors are so pretty, and so is the camellia. It must be nice to grow it out in the garden.
    Have a wonderful day!
    Rosehugs, Marit

    1. Good morning dear Marit,
      The Helleboruses are bringing a lot of color into the garden on a moment that it's needed the most. When I look at the Camelia I always I have to think of you what a work it will be to get them outside after wintertime. It will bring a lot of flowers this year. The year before all the flowers were brown because of the late frost. I don't think we will get wintery weather here anymore.
      Have a wonderful day
      Rosehugs Marijke

  5. It is encouraging to see these early blooms. It reminds those of us still gripped by winter of what is to come.

    1. Hello David,
      I love to see them too! But I also wish we´ve had your weather. A normal winter. Sunshine, frost and snow. Here the storms are following up. Not my favorite type of weather.
      I hope you have springflowers soon!

  6. Beautiful flowers announcing that spring is almost here.

    1. Good evening Maria,
      Yes the start of the gardenflowers is there!!
      Have a wonderful evening

  7. Alles loopt weer flink voor op ons in het oosten van het land.
    Prachtig, je Helleborussen.
    Die willen helaas hier niet op de zure grond.
    Hopelijk komt je tuin goed door de twee stormen!
    Hartelijke groeten, Zem.

    1. Goedemorgen Zem,
      Wat jammer dat de Helleborus niet wil in jouw tuin. Ze brengen zoveel moois in deze tijd van het jaar. Maar ja andere planten willen niet in mijn tuin. Die stormen zijn niet mijn favoriet. Ik wordt er altijd angstig en onrustig van. Maar gelukkig zijn ze weer voorbij.
      Fijn weekend Marijke

  8. Hello Marijke, :=) Your Helleborus plant has beautiful flowers, and the glorious Camellia has so many buds. It will be a wonderful sight when in full bloom. A heartening feeling that Spring is getting nearer. Seems like your stormy weather, has not spoilt your plants, but it is not nice weather. We have rain today, but only drizzle, even so I dislike dull days with little light and dark skies. Have a good weekend, and my best wishes dear friend.

    1. Hello Sonjia,
      I hope the Camelia is opening all the buds that there are now to see. I don't like dark days and storm. But nothing we can do about the weather. I wish you a wonderful weekend!!
      Rosehugs Marijke


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