I don't know where to look first

Ik weet echt niet meer waar ik het eerste kijken moet. Na twee koude grijze dagen
is het weer zomer in mijn tuintje. Overal om mij heen barsten de knoppen open van
de rozen open. Enige probleem is de droogte. Raar om dat als nederlander te zeggen
want meestal klagen we over de harde wind en regen (LOL). Vanavond toch de tuinslang
maar uitrollen want de droogte is goed te zien in de rozen. Geel blad!!

I don't know where to look first. After two cold grey days it's summer time again!!
Everywhere I look the buds of the roses bursting. The only problem we have is 
the drought. I know it sounds strange to read that from a Dutch. Normaly we always
are complaining about the strong winds and rainfall. (fun). Tonight it's time to give the 
garden some water because yellow leaves in the roses shows it needs water.

Pat Austin is huge. (click on a photo to enlarge)

Frontgarden with Sourire d'Orchidee on the right

At the back A Shropshire lad. Is more than 2.50 m high now. This rose showed me that
a rose does want to grow on it's own natural way. They don't like to be tied up


When the first roseflower opens I am always dreaming about how this rose Fantin Latour
would look like if all the flowers would be opening at the same time. Best way to keep
this rose healthy is to let it grow on the natural way. No pruning

As far as possible I love to follow the opening of the rose flowers
Midnight Blue

And I am not the only one who love's roses

Mme Isaac Pereirre. I thought that the color of this rose would be much darker.
But it is not. I had to lift it up out of the folliage. She was hiding.

 Queen of Sweden

The first rose that ever came into my garden Golden Showers

And the huge James Galway

Jacqueline du Pré was at her best in the year I planted it 3 years ago. Gets smaller
every year. I was suprissed that it's stil here. Only 1 flower

Commandant Beaurepaire new planted this spring is doing it's best.

Maidens Blush is showing some buds also planted in spring

Crown Princess Margarethe

So many beautiful buds in Souvenir d' Alphonse  Lavallé no photo can show how beautiful it is.

The Pilgrim

Abraham Darby can you imagine the scent that it gives when I open my frontdoor.

Louise Odier

Eugene de Beauharnais. As far as I can rememer the flowers were much more
darker as they are now. Maybe something to do with the sunny weather that
we did not have the year before.


Erinnerung an Brod is on it's way

2018 is the year of the Insects I can't remember having so many  lice in the roses and a
miracle it is that the flower still opens

Purple Splash/O wow


I did have a fantastic day out in my garden. I hope your day was special too!!!

Have a wonderful rest of Sunday

Rosehugs Marijke


  1. Hello dear Marijke,

    I don't know where to look either :)
    Your climate are perfect for roses. They are all so beautiful.
    Rosehugs, Marit

  2. Hello dear Marijke
    Some rain would be nice, but it won´t come. There are a lot of things everywhere in our gardens, so it is difficult to choose.
    I love to see your roses, they are so nice, and you have a lot of them.

  3. Marijke, your rose garden looks spectacular with so many varieties in bloom, really stunning and their foliage looks so healthy, my rose bushes are always sick in one way or another when not burned by the sun, I'm really jealous of your climate! you also have Peonies, your garden is indeed a paradise. Have a wonderful day full of Roses!

  4. Tu as bien raison, on ne sais où poser son regard en cette période, combien de fois ne retournons nous pas au jardin pour y voir les progressions sur une seule journée ? Et puis on prend des photos, trop parfois mais quel bonheur de s'émerveiller devant ce jardin que nous avons créé.
    Ton Shropshire Lad est bien plus en avance que le mien !
    Bises et bonne semaine


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