
De tuin heeft dorst!! Ik hoop op een beetje regen na een prachtige
warme week. Meer en meer rozenknoppen krijgen kleur. En sommige
laten hun eerste prachtige bloemen zien.

The garden is thirsty. I hope we get some rain after a wonderful
summerly week. More and more rosebuds are getting into color and
some roses show theire first flowers.

Rose Purple Splash/Oh Wow

 Rose Jaqueline du Pré. Is not an easy one to grow in my garden

Abraham Darby

Parure d'Or

 On the right side rose A Shropshire Lad and on the left rose Penny Lane.
The last mentioned one can finaly breath. It was growing together with
Clematis Madame Lecoultre. But I lost this one this winter

My little frontgarden. May is the month of the Aquilegia

Rose Dresdner Barock is doing fantastic this year. The flowers are only 5 cm 
but I love it.

But I have an insect in this roses that damages the buds and it's
going fast. If you see this get the buds of directly and look at
the soil under the rose for falling buds. And destroy the buds. 

Winchester Cathedral

 Rose James Galway

Rose Sweet Pretty/Andromeda

And the last flower of my Treepeonie

I am excited because there will be a lot of roses showing theire beautiful 
flowers soon.

Have a wonderful week ahead.

Rosehugs Marijke


  1. Coucou Marijke,
    Tes roses sont déjà bien là, les miennes commencent doucement.
    Je te le dis de suite, J'ADORE ta rose rouge et blanche, quelle classe Madame !
    Les aquilegias sont des plantes merveilleuses et je comprends que tu en aies quelques variétés au jardin, moi je craque plutôt - pour l'instant - sur les Barlow.
    Les insectes piqueurs ont aussi fait leur apparition au jardin, j'ai donc quelques boutons complètement fichus mais j'ai constaté que ce phénomène est récurrent en cette période de l'année, juin passé cela disparaît.
    Je trouve cela agréable d'avoir un "front garden", j'ai juste un malheureux trottoir....
    La pluie est bénéfique au jardin, elle semble tomber avec douceur et j'en suis ravie car ainsi les fleurs n'en souffrent pas trop, pourvu que cela dure, en tout c'est une aubaine car la citerne était déjà bien entamée tant j'ai du arroser les nouveaux venus.... elle va vite se remplir à ce rythme et je pourrai ainsi continuer à soulager le jardin lorsqu'il fera plus sec.
    Je te fais la bise et te souhaite une bien agréable semaine !

    1. Good morning dear Siam,
      We had a nice portion of rain. It's great to smell the fresh air in the garden. Yes the
      aquilegia's are great also because they are self seeding. Purple splash is a wonderful rose.
      I am always amazed that not one of this kind of rosesflowers are identic. Little artworks!!
      I never had the biting insects before in my roseflowers. And I hope I've catched most of
      damaged rosebuds. It's great to have a garden at the front also when it's only 6 meters long. It gives the street a green look.
      Kisses and rosehugs Marijke

  2. Hello Marijke
    So nice to see your roses, I love it. We need rain too I hope that you and I will soon get some. Niece pictures, thank you.
    Rosehugs Lisbeth

    1. Good morning dear Lisbeth,
      The rain came yesterday and the garden is re=breathing again!! It's great to see the roses
      coming out bit by bit.
      Have a wonderful day
      Rosehugs Marijke

  3. Hello dear Marijke,

    You have so many beautiful roses! Abraham Darby is so pretty.
    Have a wonderful new week!
    Rosehugs, Marit

    1. Good morning dear Marit,
      How great that you've found time to write a comment. I know how bussy you are
      planting all you new rhodeo's in your garden. Abraham Darby is lovely and has a
      very strong scent.
      Have a wonderful week ahead.
      Rosehugs Marijke

  4. Wat gaan je rozen snel!! Hier ook een enkele, maar bij jou lijkt het al wel zomer. Prachtige kleuren groetjes Hetty

    1. Een hele goedemorgen Hetty,
      De Dresdner Barock is een heel vroeg bloeiende roos. Voor de rest in sommige rozen 1 bloem.
      Geniet deze week van je prachtige tuin!!
      Rozige groetjes Marijke

  5. Marijke, your roses look splendid and it's just the beggining! The rose James Galway is really beautiful and so is Dresdner Barock, pink roses are my favorite. My birthday was last week and my sister gave me as present an eden rose! I hope your roses continue doing well, here there were many rainy days are the roses look terrible (see my last post) I'll begin to spray and clean when the risk of rain disappears. Have a lovely week full of roses!

    1. Goodmorning MDN,
      How great you've got the Edenrose. It's a wonderful strong rose the only thing that is missing is the scent. But the beautiful flowers do forget about it's not scented.
      The terrible things at the moment in my little garden are the insects. But I don't want
      to spray my roses because I have a dog, 3 cat's and a lot of birds are visiting my garden.
      Well we can't have it all (fun).
      Have a wonderful day
      Rosehugs Marijke

  6. Every time I see your pictures I want to plant a new rose in my tiny garden :)

    1. Good morning dear Dani,
      To me it's also difficult to picture's of roses I don't own. My wishlist is 10 times bigger as my garden is. (fun).
      Have a wonderful day
      Rosehugs Marijke xx

  7. Dear Marijke,
    here in Austria it has been very dry too recently, but today it finally rained which is very good for the plants. In my garden the roses are already in full bloom-very early for this year. Lovely to see that your roses have opened their buds too! Your garden and roses are gorgeous. Like last year, I feel like buying a James Galway rose when seeing your picture of it. I guess it is really time that I finally buy this rose.
    Enjoy the rose season!
    Best wishes,

    1. Good morning dear Lisa,
      I agree with you that the roses are much earlier in bloom as they were last year. Also the flowers in the historical roses are opening up. Buy James Galway it won't dissapoint you but plant it somewhere back in the border because it's making very tall new growth and flowers only apear at the top.
      Have a wonderful day full of roses.
      Rosehugs Marijke


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